
A quick overview overview for developers.


On this page, we will introduce some core concepts used throughout the platform. For a full overview of our REST APIs, see the API reference.


An organization represents the main grouping entity within the Neowit platform. All other entities within the API are owned by an organization. An organization may have child organizations; supporting use-cases such as resellers, partners, distributors etc.


A user account represents a person and requires an email. Authentication is done using email and password or Single Sign-On (SAML). A user belongs to an organization and can have role of Member or Administrator. Currently, a Member is granted access to the Workspace application, while Administrators have additional access to administrating Organizations, Users, Spaces, Integrations, Dashboards and Workspaces.

Service accounts

A Service Account represents an machine account which is suitable for creating custom integrations. See Service Accounts for more details.


A Space represents entities of a building. A Space has a name, type and optional children; forming a hierarchical tree of spaces where the root would typically represent the building, the first level of children would represent the floor and second level typically represents objects on the floor such as rooms, desks and so on.

Each Space is given a GeoJSON geometry, which is used to form the current 2D floorplans. Currently, we recommend using the editor in the App to manipulate these Spaces. If you want to get your hands dirty with this, look at Coordinate systems.



Devices are managed by Integrations, and can represent a physical or virtual device. A device can provide a collection of SensorTypes, denoting different types of metrics that can be ingested or queried. A Device may optionally be associated with a Space (e.g., temperature sensor in Room1), and can be given a GeoJSON Point location to make it easier physically find the device.



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