devices module
The device module is a collection of types and functions that enables the integration to defined Neowit devices in the database.
This snippet defines a new Device and registers it to the database.
A Device represents a Neowit Device. It needs an identifier that is unique among the devices for the specific integration.
external_id: str
The integration unique id of the device.
def Device(external_id: str, name: str = None, status: str = None, status_reason: str = None, vendor: str = None, model: str = None) -> Device:
Creates a new Device. External id is the only required attribute, but we recommend that you provide as much information as possible. Status can be of the following values:
STATUS_CONNECTED: The device is connected.
STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED: The device is not connected.
STATUS_UNKNOWN: The status of the device is not known.
def upsert(device: Device):
Will register or update the device with the provided attributes. First time this is called, a new device with external_id will be added to the database. After this the attributes will be updated if there are any changes.
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